Welcome Military and Veteran Students to Pacific!
Pacific is dedicated to ensuring that all military and veteran students (active, reserve, veteran, dependent) are fully integrated into campus life and are able to take full advantage of the broad range of intellectual and cultural activities offered at Pacific.
Our primary missions are your smooth transition on to our campus, your academic success and ultimately employment after graduation
Please complete and submit your application to Pacific along with all official transcripts to the office of admission. The application can be completed online at gt5cheats.com/admission. The admission office is located on the first floor of Knoles Hall. Its contact information is as follows:
Phone: 209.946.2211
Fax: 209.946.2413
Email: admissions@gt5cheats.com
Also, please send a copy of the below listed applicable forms to Pacific's School Certifying Official (SCO), David Xiong (dxiong1@gt5cheats.com). If you are missing any of these forms, turn in what you have while you are waiting for the remaining forms.
- 22-1990 application for educational benefits (if applicable)
- 22-1990e application for family members to use transferred benefits (if applicable)
- 22-5490 application for survivors/dependents (if applicable)
- DD 214 discharge form and your certificate of eligibility letter (all)
Once you are enrolled at Pacific and are eligible to receive VA benefits you must immediately notify the School Certifying Official (SCO) if you drop or add any classes. Failure to do so could result in an overpayment from the VA that could require you to make a repayment. However, certain mitigating circumstance can result in an overpayment "Forgiveness" by the VA. Also, please notify the SCO if you change your address or your program of study. Please read all correspondence we send you very carefully. Our correspondence often contain VA requirements and information that will directly impact you. All correspondence will go to your Pacific email.
You need to complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to apply for financial aid. The FAFSA is completed and submitted on line at studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. When completing the FAFSA you will need Pacific's school code 001329.
If you have any questions please refer to Pacific's financial aid office. Its contact information is as follows:
Phone: 209.946.2421
Fax: 209.946.2758
Email: financialaid@gt5cheats.com
Please call the Veteran Center at 209.932.3237 with any questions regarding these initial required actions.
We know that this can be a stressful time. This form is a tool to help assist you with the steps that need to be taken as a new or returning student at Pacific. This form is not intended to answer all your questions but to serve as a guide to start you on the path for success.